Shipping and Delivery

  1. Except for items shipped from manufacture/vendor, all other items are shipping from Canada or US warehouses, including those with our partners, Shipping time will depend on your location and Inventory Status (The estimated shipping time should be under each of the items.). Currently, we only ship to addressees in the US and Canada.
  2. One shipment per order. If an order contains items with ‘Shipping from the manufacturer’ and ‘Shipping from Canada/USA,’ the shipping time will be based on the longer of the two times. 
  3. Unless specified, orders over CAD $149 will include free shipment (will be also based on shipping weight). The total shipping fee will be calculated for orders less than CAD $149 during the check out process. This policy is applied under the  following conditions:
    • Less than 2kg(~4 lbs.) package weight. 
    • Less than 110cm (43 inch) package length
    • Shipping from Canada/USA only
    • Notes: Most of the heavier materials, for example, aluminum profiles, linear rods, lead screws, gear rack etc., do not satisfy the free shipping policy.
  4. Ground shipping from the US or Canada may take up to 24 – 48 hours to process.
  5. Customers located in the Greater Toronto Area,  are able to expect the same day or 2nd day delivery, please see products/items in-stock status for delivery time.
  6. The default shipping class is shown under each product to indicate its location and in-stock status. Customers have the option to use the default shipping class or choose another shipping class when checking out. For example, an item’s default shipping class might be ‘Ship from Manufacturer’, with a shipping time of 10-15 days. However, customers can choose ‘Ship from US/Canada’ (Domestic Shipping) to save on shipping costs (from faster air freight to longer ocean freight).
  7. Tracking. Our system is using API services to connect with most of the couriers system to update the shipping status. Customers can track it from: My Account- Orders menu to get the latest status. Delivered order will be marked as ‘Completed’. Any damaged, lost, or missing item must be reported and claimed within 48 hours of delivery. will not process any delivery issues reported after 48 hours of the order being marked as “Completed” (Delivered).
  8. The table below shows the shipping classes that we are using.
Shipping TypesDescriptionShipping TimeCostNotes
Ship from Manufacture/VendorOversea shipping. Used by items that shipped by vendor directly, Or items’ weight < 2KG, length<95cm (Includes custom length items)10~15 Days (Custom Length items may need 2-3 extra days)~CAD $20 / KGThis shipping type will be combined with other shipping type(s) if the order includes multiple shipping types to save the cost;
Customers still have an option to change the default ‘Shipping from Manufacture’ to ‘Shipping from US/Canada’ when selecting the shipping class to save the cost.
Ship from US/Canada (Domestic Shipping)Used by items that have weight > 2KG or longer than 95cm. Or any items in stock. In-stock: 2nd day shipping.
All others, it may take 30 ~ 40 Days shipping.
Free shipping if total amount > CAD $149.99 (shorter than 118cm), or started from CAD$14 depends on length, weight and location.
In-Stock items (In GTA Warehouse) are able to ship to customers in same day,
DIYCNC imports grouped ordered items from oversea vendor every week by using ocean freight. The shipping cost is lower than ‘Ship from Manufacture’. Customers have an option to select this shipping class IF ‘Ship from Manufacture’ is default shipping class.
Custom LengthFor any custom length items. If length < 95cm and weight < 2KG, use oversea shipping class; otherwise use Ship from US/Canada shipping type.Depends, it may take about 3 – 35 Days.Refer Oversea shipping and Ship from US/Canada types
Oversea free shippingItem that shipping from vendor directly with free shipping. (Less than 95cm length)12-15 DaysFreeCan select combined shipping with other items in the same order, or shipping individually. The rate will be higher if total weight is above 2KG.

Due to frequent changes in international shipping costs, our shipping and delivery fees may change without further notification. The actual shipping cost will be calculated/displayed when checking out your order.

If you have any question regarding the shipping, rate and time, please contact us: [email protected] or live chat support.